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I had always felt a little isolated, a maladaptive perfectionist struggling to be satisfied with any achievements, always that little bit disappointed with myself and my life, feeling guilty that I didn't feel happy. I struggled with expectations of society (which of course were all created in my own head) these feelings caused a constant state of stress and anxiety. Then, by chance, yoga found me. 

I have now learnt ways with which to manage my mind. My once weak body is now strong. My relentless back and shoulder pains have gone. I am more open and accepting. I am kinder to myself and all I meet. The benefits have been and are endless which is exactly why I teach.

Yoga really is for you!

Functional Yoga is designed to be useful, facilitating improved mental and physical health. Yoga is not ultimately about making shapes, it is a science of the mind where we can build strength and resilience of mind and body, bringing us closer to realising our full human potential, enabling us to live our best life! 

My approach to teaching comes from a humanistic perspective, working with optional stages and suggestions, making yoga accessible and relevant. I work with Ahimsa (non-harming) being kind to the body, respecting our body and always working to our own personal measure.


I initially viewed yoga as just a physical practice, and with a history of knee, leg (ruptured and torn ACL), shoulder and back (prolapsed disc) problems, it was a slow start. However, I soon realised that this wasn’t a race, or about being first, or the best, but a lifelong personal journey. Not a quick fix or a fad, but an ancient tradition about how to prepare the body and mind to face life’s physical and mental challenges.

I soon realised how weak and tight certain areas of my body had become, and that if I didn’t address them, they would only deteriorate further as time went on. I also learned to be patient. There is a temptation to want to try and achieve textbook postures immediately, however, working in stages, to my measure and without pressure or fear, was key to achieving a safe and rewarding practice. I’m passionate about functional yoga, techniques that activate the parasympathetic nervous system, restoring balance and building resilience.

Maybe it’s an injury that brings you to yoga, or maybe you want to build strength, flexibility, become more resilient, or just escape from your hectic life for a short while to help re-establish some balance. It’s never too late to start, so why not give it a try?


"The ego is impatient because time is limited, the spirit is patient, because it knows it is eternal"            

source unknown

“We should not force movements in an attempt to get somewhere, we should practice with attentive curiosity rather than with fear and anxiety”

Peter Blackaby


Kerry and Declan are level 4 Diploma teachers and have been practicing yoga for many years, they are members of and insured to teach by the British Wheel of Yoga (BWY), which is the Governing Body for Yoga in the UK.

British Wheel of Yoga Training offers Ofqual-regulated, Level 4 yoga teacher training qualifications that are on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF).  These qualifications are overseen and quality-assured by the external Awarding Organisation British Wheel of Yoga Qualifications (BWYQ).  

BWYQ qualifications are regulated by the Office for Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) and are bench marked to national educational standards. 

This is the highest level of yoga teacher training currently available in the UK. 

To book classes at House of Santosha please use the new booking system on the Classes in Person page, or click here to be re-directed, thanks!